Christ Ingathering

“Thrust in Thy sickle, and reap: for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe.”
(Revelations 14:15b)


In the last 40 years, over 1 billion people have died who never heard of Jesus, and around 30 million people this year may perish without hearing the message of salvation.


The principal agenda of God is to raise a global workforce for the ingathering of peoples from every nation to His worship. The great commission awaits accomplishment by a generation which shall have the obedience, courage and determination for world evangelization.

About Christ Ingathering

finishing the gospel task among nations.

Our Work
  • We publish the gospel truth via media platforms and carry out evangelism among people groups.
  • We envision and empower students and Christian professionals for contextual multiplication of disciples.
  • We engage the body of Christ with the burden of Christ; strengthening the church fulfillment of frontier ministries.
  • We set forth the divine pattern for ministry effectiveness and sustainable revival through scripture engagements and specialized conferences.
  • We run field surveys, data analysis and profiling with strategy development for community transformation.

  • We publish the gospel truth via media platforms and carry out evangelism among people groups.
  • We build networks of ministry partners, and coordinate resources for holistic indigenous church planting.


So far, we have reached the following milestones:

  • In-house discipleship and mission training for brethren in homes, offices and local churches.
  • Launched disciple-making movements among 50+ indigenous peoples through in-plant catalytic thrust.
  • Engaged 800+ church leaders with insightful contents for spiritual strengthening and effective ministries.
  • Ongoing church planting labour in Chad.
  • Community transformation efforts in the Middle Belt, Adamawa and Borno.
  • Collaborations with 15+ agencies, and a growing network of corporate ministry partners.

Our Ministries

55% of the world’s population now lives in urban areas, a proportion that is expected to increase to 68% by 2050. Over 70million people leave rural homes to cities, yearly.

Like Paul, we enlist, train and deploy missionaries to make disciples of the unreached in cities, who in turn take the gospel to their localities

We enlighten and empower Christian professionals to creatively combine work with witnessing for Jesus.

A 24hour in-plant spiritual capacity development training for brethren in local churches, fellowships and groups. It is flexible to accommodate the schedules that work best for your team.
A one hour weekly travails in prayers to enthrone the Lordship of Christ over nations. Prayer is one thing that makes everything we do to become successful.
This is a movement to set students on fire for the gospel penetration among peoples in Africa.
We are poised to awakening believers to their apostolic mandate with fresh empowerment and commissioning.
An ecosystem of joint-heirs committed to developing spiritual, human and material resources to accelerate the fulfillment of world evangelization.
GETFUND is Christ Ingathering’s humanitarian agency, registered to cater for the economic wellbeing of lives in underserved communities.

What We Do

  • Promote financial literacy and saving culture among indigenous peoples.
  • Work with organizations and community stakeholders in resource mobilization for grassroots economic growth and sustainability.
  • Capacity development training to galvanize local potentials for maximum accomplishments.

Going Forward

“Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.” (Matthew 9:38)

The hope of finishing the gospel task is in raising a formidable labour force widespread across every area of human concern, fully furnished to execute divine counsels and bring in the sheaves.

We bear the responsibility to help every believer get equipped with the spiritual capacity to checkmate darkness and enthrone Jesus. A mission field is any people or place with little or no godliness.

The traditional structure of mission school is plagued with numerous limitations. There is an urgent need to put sound spiritual education at the fingertips of every believer, especially, the vast population of Christians who currently are in places and positions beyond the strength of their inner man.
A full-fledged online mission education. We are digitizing mission training contents and making it seamlessly available online.

We are building a interactive software application to improve the learning experience of every believer for divine relevance.
  • Digital literacy and sound spiritual education
  • Real time learning and support
  • Secure
  • Unlimited access to learning materials
  • Global networking opportunities
  • Flexible and self paced
The following factors will influence the adoption of our mission training solution:
  • Increasing internet penetration and mobile usage
  • Insecurity, necessitating the need for virtual learning methods
  • The pandemic and its consequential effects
  • Convenience; ability to learn from anywhere at any time
  • Partnership: We share a work relationship with major youth fellowships, professional groups and denominations that shall serve as springboards.
  • Custom Programs: We will create more awareness through regular meetings we hold and participate in across Nigeria and beyond.
  • Recommendation and Referrals: The attestation of church leaders and the affirmation of those who know us, will drive acceptance.

Funding Ask

We are raising a 500,000 USD seed fund. This will be used as follows:

  • 40% Acquire a headquarters building for staff quarters, guest rooms, hostels, offices and conference hall
  • 10% Build recording studios, mobile Apps and web platforms
  • 5% Purchase furnitures, gadgets, equipments and other facilities.
  • 10% Community development projects, publications and programs.
  • 10% Grassroot Economic Transformation Fund
  • 10% Software Engineering Academy
  • 15% Member Care; Missionaries special needs and ad hoc staff allowances


Financial Policy

We are a faith mission. Our operations, outreaches and projects run on freewill donations from partnering individual believers, Christian groups and Churches.

Our missionaries receive no salary or wage from the organization. Each of us trusts in God’s provisions to meet the needs of our lives, families and labours through the gifts of brethren, and every gift is duly acknowledged and put to use as designated.

“Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set His seal of ownership on us, and put His Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.” (2 Cor‬inthians ‭1:21-22)

We invite you to join our team of mission partners through your prayers and gifts.

Zenith Bank

Christ Ingathering is a mission organization committed to building a global workforce of multiplying disciples with the leadership capacity for ministry on every front towards finishing the gospel task among nations.